• LGIT Recipes

    Chocolate Hemp Milk

    Chocolate Hemp Milk Excellent alternative to dairy for those with allergies, sensitivity, and congestion. One cup of hemp seeds1/2 cup of filter water, I use green tea. 2 drops of vanilla stevia One drop of vanilla flavor Blend everything in a food processor for a couple of minutes. Filter or not in a cheesecloth. I keep the hemp seeds for later I mix them with yogurt or in his soup or with vegetables. One 1/2 tsp of organic raw cocoa unsweetened. About 1.5 carbs. One tsp of coconut oil. Mix everything together. Enjoy!

  • AS Family article

    Aromatherapy and Angels

    By Shari Caspert, Mom to Matthew age 17 I was introduced to Young Living Essential Oils three years ago by another special needs Mom, our son Matthew was 14 at the time… I really had no experience with essential oils, or aromatherapy. I always thought that we lived a pretty healthy lifestyle, ate well, exercised & tried to get a good nights sleep – tricky with our Angelman Kids! We are now a family that lives on Stress Away, Deep Relief, Lavender, Peace & Calming, Frankincense, Lemon, Thieves, Ningxia, Peppermint and more.. This is my everyday survival kit!!! I am sure that you are wondering, How can this help me? …

  • Angels in Action

    Angels in Action – Lukas

    Celebrating the Abilities of our Angels By Angela Humble Tucker, Mom to Lukas age 15 It’s hard to believe that we have a 15 year old son. Our son does not do all the typical things that a 15 year old would be doing such as video games, hanging out with friends, talking on the phone (or I guess texting), or competing in High School sports. Instead we have a 15 year old boy who has Angelman Syndrome which brings with it limitations such as non-verbal, limited mobility, cognitive delays, and more issues that would take up too much space to list. Our 15 year old boy Lukas however smiles more…

  • AS Family article

    A Cure for Louie

    By Terry Jo V. Bichell, MPH, CNM (PhD candidate) Nashville, TN February 26, 2012 I learned, while traveling in Nigeria long ago, that the child who follows twins is supposed to bring luck, or be lucky, or carry some kind of amazing happy blessing.  I remember thinking about that luckiness when I saw Louie’s squished newborn face, just after his cord was cut. Louie was born in February, 1999, sweet, social and sleepless just like his big sisters.  We didn’t learn until a year later, when we sought a reason for his inability to sit up and crawl and babble like all the other playgroup babies, that he was born without…

  • Angels in Action

    Angels in Action – Rylee’s Story

    Celebrating the Abilities of our Angels By Keisha Tipton, Mom to Rylee, age 9 As a parent who has been injected into disability culture through a loved one, I feel we also have a separate and unique Angelman Syndrome culture.  Our Angelman family is accepting, supportive, and non-judgmental; a culture that we are all proud of sharing with one another.  Yes, we have trials and tribulations to overcome, but we are far from alone in this journey.  We build each other up with words of encouragement and support. Each family goes through our own experiences. I’d like to take a moment to share with you our story.  A story that…

  • AS Family article

    Potty Training Tips

    By Keisha Tipton, Mom to Rylee age 9 Here is Rylee’s data form that I use. -I simply mark the date and time that I took her to the bathroom. -Then I place a check mark whether she went #1 or #2 in the potty. -In the comments section I write whether her pull up was wet or dry. When she stays dry for weeks on end I switch her to panties. For traveling, I still use Pull-ups.  There are times she can even wear panties overnight as long as she goes good before bed, doesn’t have too much to drink and has good seizure control. When she starts having accidents…

  • Letter from the Editor

    Editor’s Letter – January 2014 Edition

    Happy New Year!! I am so excited to welcome in 2014!! Last year was wonderful. As you know we first launched Angelman Today over the summer and had such a great response with support from the community and the scientific and medical professionals involved with Angelman Syndrome. I am hopeful for the future with the ongoing research projects funded by hardworking foundations across the globe. I am so very happy to see the alliance of foundations in funding research. I not only wish you health and happiness in the new year, but will search high and low to find you information, products, and services to help make your today easier…

  • Epilepsy

    Clinical Trial Begins on a New Treatment Using Cannabis for Intractable Seizures in Children

    CANNABIDIOL (CBD), the non-psychoactive compound of cannabis There is a study underway to test the safety and efficacy of Cannabidiol (CBD), the non-psychoactive compound of cannabis. Some of the experts involved are the Angelman communities’ very own specialists Dr. Elizabeth A. Thiele and Dr. Ronald Thibert of Massachusetts General Hospital. Both Physicians are members of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Angelman Syndrome Foundation. The study will provide a better understanding of the maximally tolerated dose and potential side effects of CBD as well as display its efficacy in two well-defined childhood epilepsy syndromes, Dravet and Lennox-Gastaut, which are very difficult to control even with medication. Angelman Today will be…

  • Angels in Action

    Angels in Action

    Celebrating the Abilities of our Angels By Anne Chatteau (In French and English) François a 24 ans et est UPD. nous avons eu le diagnostic quand il avait 13 ans. Jusque là, il avait vécu presque comme s’il n’était pas handicapé malgré un écart de plus en plus grand avec les autres enfants.  . Il a marché à 25 mois mais le langage n’est pas venu. Sinon, il était facile et s’intégrait dans les groupes sans poser de problème. C’est pourquoi, j’ai tenté beaucoup d’apprentissages avec lui, d’autant plus qu’étant professeur, je ne concevais pas que mon enfant n’ait pas droit à l’éducation. Il a eu un trotteur avant de…