Letter from the Editor

Editor’s Letter January-February 2015

Welcome to 2015! A new year and new beginnings. I am an optimist and I believe in infinite possibilities. Every day is a fresh start to get one step closer to your goals, but entering into the new year is the time to create new goals and determine a plan of action.

This time of year is so special because I use it to plan personal goals and family goals. I sat down with my oldest son and helped him set his goals for the year. I also write down the goals I have for Nathan. I include any products or therapy services I want him to start and skills I would like to practice with him.  This could also be a time to consider if the current plan of therapies is as effective as you would like and consider how your Angel is responding to the therapies. A break from therapy can also be included in your plan. I recently had Nathan take a break from therapy for a period of time and I think it has been great for him and our family.

Whatever your goals are for the new year, I wish you all the very best in health and happiness as we continue to work hard to improve the lives of our loved ones.

Warm Wishes,

Lizzie Sordia
