Low-Glycemic Diet Guidebook
Download this Low-Glycemic Index Guidebook and learn the most important information and tips created by Lizzie Sordia. She was able to achieve success for her son on the diet and wants to share them with you. This ebook is bridging the gap between working with your medical team and making the magic happen in your kitchen.
The Low-Glycemic Index Food List and Guidebook is a Downloadable ebook. It includes a list of foods that are >50 on the glycemic index. This is an informational resource guide to help you understand low-glycemic diets. It includes the story from the author about how the low-glycemic diet was used to help reduce and stop her son’s seizures. It includes a complete food list and helps you understand the macros. Get tips on how to stay well-hydrated. Learn how to add high-fat ratios. Get sample meals. Tips to save money on groceries. A list of low-carb food swaps. Printable weekly meal plan. Get a list of ingredients to avoid and more!
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